- What change should we all make to make the Internet a more engaging and welcoming place? May 17
- Do you think the 'dead internet theory' is already a reality? Why or why not? May 16
- Describe a time when you used an API or protocol for something it was never intended to do. May 15
- What used to be utterly incomprehensible to you that you understand well today? May 14
- What piece of software doesn't deserve to exist and the world would be better without? May 13
- When procrastinating, what do you find yourself doing instead? May 12
- How do you connect with other programmers (other than co-workers)? May 11
- What's the most complex solution that you've seen to a simple problem? May 10
- Describe a time you figured out the cause of a mysterious bug. May 9
- Do you have a random tech-related pet peeve? Does a co-worker always open pull requests at the worst time? Does your boss send you a slack message immediately after emailing you to tell you about the email? May 8
- Have you ever tried freelancing your coding skills? How was the experience? May 7
- How do you stay updated in the ever-evolving and overwhelmingly large tech world? May 6
- How do you present your technical skills to non-technical people? May 5
- Do you have any ongoing personal coding projects? What do you hope to achieve with them? May 4
- What was your clearest signal that you should step away from the keyboard while working? May 3
- Do you have any rituals to get your mind into the right state to be productive when programming? Are there different rituals for different kinds of tasks? May 2
- What was your worst interview experience? May 1
- Have you worked on a project that went sideways? What are some lessons that you learned from that experience? Apr 30
- Describe your ideal coding environment. Is it in a dark room alone? A coffee shop? A nearby park? An actual office? Apr 29