Daily Prompt: 2024-05-06

How do you stay updated in the ever-evolving and overwhelmingly large tech world?


I follow blogs and "the usual" programmer havens. I've recently discovered devurls which has been super useful for aggregating from a lot of sources that I would look at normally: devurls.com/

Blogroll: sudorandom.dev/links/

@sudorandom Honestly, this platform has been a huge boon for keeping afloat on tech developments. I feel like it gets easier with the right set of follows.

@CiscoJunkie I've actually had a hard time finding "my people" but it's slowly getting better!

@sudorandom I focus more on the networking/security side given what I do for a living, but I've seen no shortage of software-related content on some of the larger tech-focused instances. Might have to go through my follow list and see if I can recommend anyone specific.