Daily Prompt: 2024-05-17

What change should we all make to make the Internet a more engaging and welcoming place?


@sudorandom Register a domain and start a blog instead of feeding Plattforms

@lennybacon i swear I made this prompt before @shellsharks posted this shellsharks.social/@shellshark

But yeah, a domain and a pile of html is really all that's required.

One thing that I've learned over and over is that in order to get something out of social experiences you have to put some of yourself in. This applies to everything but is especially true of indieweb. I feel like you're not really feeling it unless you are publishing something of yourself. I think reasonably priced hosts like omg.lol help a good deal with reducing the "time till first expression".

However, I do think there are countless numbers of people that put out a little nugget of themselves into the internet and are passed over. I wish there were a better way to find those moments because they can mean the difference between a lifetime of hyper-involved community members and people that pass by with a shrug.

@sudorandom Yeah I think most people start a blog with the same thought - "no one is going to care about this or read it”. I know this is what I thought and after many years of having my blog/site it couldn't have been farther from the truth! I try to help people now to understand that they have a voice and people will listen. So you just gotta put yourself out there and share widely.
