Daily Prompt: 2024-05-22


I don't really know. I tend to get a "grasp" of something achievable and go just dig in until I'm done. I think sometimes it helps to help others as motivation but generally I don't really know what continues to motivate me

@sudorandom Sort of philosophical, but I take the attitude that the only "death" we really have to worry about is when learning/growing stops.

Similarly, conveyance of knowledge (teaching, etc.) is one of the few easily-reachable forms of "immortality" we have, so learning more and passing along what you know means you get to live on in the knowledge of others, in a way.

@CiscoJunkie teaching is also the best way to solidify your knowledge and fill in any conceptual gaps that your brain was hiding from you. It's annoyingly easy to think that you understand something fully when there's many aspects you're completely unaware of. Getting in the mindset to teach others seems to break this illusion and causes you to approach things in a generally more constructive way.