Daily Prompt: 2024-07-28


I want to be decent with conversational Danish, and be able to watch Danish TV shows without too much effort.

I also want to keep up my blog posting, which will push me to keep up my learning and working on my tech communication skills.

@sudorandom Any immigrant has same situation, that’s a lot of work. Even ten years, I still need effort to listen to English, it depends on your sense of language. My wife is much better than me. Good luck.

@yaoweizhen Yeah, fair. I do set lofty goals, but I do have reasonable expectations. I do have to remember that half the time I need subtitles to keep up with TV shows in my native language (English) when I'm tired or distracted.

@sudorandom Learn portuguese, read 25 books at least, and keep my #Zettelkasten growing :)