Daily Prompt: 2024-08-13


I've had a very nice career so far. I've been lucky enough to work for a cloud company (before it was named that) and see an entire industry arise. I've had an amazing Job at Apple, working on one of the larger networks on earth. I've been able to leverage my experience and skills to move my family across an ocean to Denmark and currently have a job working backend services for a very popular mobile game.

But I'm most proud that I have maintained my interest in learning. Initially, I was concerned with this career because it's said that you have to keep learning. That was pitched to me as a downside of this career but I feel like it's a strength.

I'm also proud of my progress with my writing lately and I'm glad that many others are reading (and benefiting) from it. Literally one person that says that they got something out of it makes all of this effort worth it.