Daily Prompt: 2024-08-31


I'm not going to lie, I've been burning myself out a bit. I've been contributing to a few open source projects including trailers support for http3 in go-quic, http3 support for buf, and examples support for protovalidate. I've also made a new project that involved a pretty amazing amount of protobuf reflection magic in FauxRPC. I still have an ongoing series of re-creating HTTP from scratch, which I've gotten a little bit overwhelmed by, so I've slowed the cadence on that for a bit. All of that with my weekly blog schedule. A lot of this work was originally driven by my writing, which I'm super thankful for.

All of this was happening when I was having more parental duties due to an enhanced work schedule from my wife.

Oh and I also have a day job, where on top of my normal duties gave a talk to our organization about some of the architectural changes we've been making, with all of the deep tech details.

All that to say, I still want to keep my weekly posting schedule but I think I'm going to do some smaller-in-scope articles to keep it simple. I think I've missed enough with my broader topics that I think I need to step back a bit.

I don't promise anything, but I do have some content for "gRPC: The Ugly Parts" that I need to flesh out. It's a toss up between that and two other simpler ideas for this next week.