Daily Prompt: 2024-09-26

What's a recent technological advancement that you're excited about, and how do you think it will impact the world?


The trendy answer is obviously AI.. but I feel like it will fade into the background more than we imagine.

But I'm more excited for actual advancements in energy production. It seems like several different technologies are showing a lot of promise. Thorium-based nuclear power plants seem to be making real progress mixed with molten salt reactors are also super interesting. Fusion reactors, obviously, are super exciting.

Since I live in Denmark I feel obliged to be excited for offshore wind farms and "energy islands". Mixing this technology with biofuel could seriously improve the carbon impact of global cargo shipping, which I doubt we'll move away from anytime soon.any time soon.

But yeah, there's many more but I really do wish we'd make some significant progress on carbon reduction. Carbon capture is likely needed but I feel like we're a long way off before removal is cheaper than just reducing the emission of carbon to begin with.