Daily Prompt: 2024-10-22

Describe your experience with participating in daily standup meetings. Are they effective?


@sudorandom I guess it really depends of the team you work with.

So, far I only had once a bad experience with it.

The most effective standups, in my experience, was having a dedicated slack channel where everyone would post a daily message (a bot would emind everyone). Often times you would see some followup questions in a thread branching off of each person's message. This allowed for natural tangents and collaboration when it was needed without wasting everyone's time. From there discussion can be carried onto other slack channels or meetings.

I've seen where standups are all done in a single slack thread (like my current job) and I don't like it too much because it doesn't promote the same amount of discussion.

What's important here is that there was a culture of this being a required and important thing... and I think the ability to reply directly to a message is important.